Juncong Guo, Xi Qu*. “Competition in household human capital investments: Strength, motivations and consequences.” Journal of Development Economics, 2022, 158: 102937.
Chuanmin Zhao, Juncong Guo, and Xi Qu*. “Stock market reaction to corporate philanthropic response and silence: does charity style matter?” Applied Economics Letters, 2021, 28: 1344-1350.
Juncong Guo, Xi Qu*. “Fixed effects spatial panel data model with time varying spatial dependence.” Economics Letters, 2020, 196: 109531. Matlab code.
Juncong Guo*, and Xi Qu. “Spatial interactive effects on housing prices in Shanghai and Beijing.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2019, 76: 147-160. Matlab code.
Chinese Publications
瞿茜,郭俊聪*,王越. 区域经济增长的竞争与协同——基于对经济增长率的分解. 南开经济研究,2024, 3: 141-160.
郭俊聪,郑维伟,瞿茜*. 管理研究中的内生性. 管理学季刊,2024, 1: 20-32.
郭俊聪,郑维伟,瞿茜*. 多维度溢出效应政策评估方法、思路与中国优势——基于空间网络建模视角. 中国科学基金,2023, 37 (06): 953-962.
Working papers
Gifts and networks: Understanding peer effects and risk sharing in rural China (with Chuanmin Zhao).
When subsidies meet spillovers: Evidence from battery electric vehicle market in China (with Yunyi Hu & Haitao Yin).
Decoding peer effects: The role of information in Chinese household financial investments (with Xi Qu).
Peer effects in the employment of female researchers: Magnitude and impact (with Hui Cao).
How temporal and spatial interdependencies shape the locations of reinvestments (with Runtian Jing & Xuan Sun & Yunan Zhao).